Outline’s “Matzav.Ruach” exhibition: Jerusalem Outline's "Matzav.Ruach" exhibition: Jerusalem Two of my illustrations were chosen to be featured in Outline’s “Matzav.Ruach” exhibition in Jerusalem. All showcased artworks were sold, with proceeds going towards supporting artists affected by the war.Photos: Outline’s photographer.
Soul For Sale Soul For Sale Every once in a while I get to attend art festivals, hangout with my artistic friends, meet lots of people, and sell some of my stickers and prints ♥
Graffiti Workshop Graffiti Workshop Wall art collaboration made with Yael Gurevich and Orr Yehezkel as part of a graffiti workshop guided by TantSpray paint
POPUP Museum 2022 POPUP Museum 2022 Wall painting I made For 2022’s POPUP Museum event.Inspired by early covid times when we were all mostly inside our homes.Spray paint, 2.85 m